Lent Devotion | Day 28
Here, the prophet Micah makes a bold proclamation of confidence in the Lord God our Savior. Written in a time where wickedness was rampant and the people of Israel were discouraged and defeated, these words offered a pillar of hope, hope that stands true for us today.
When all earthly trusts and relationships fail, when there is no one or nothing to turn to or fall back on, we are invited to look to Christ, the One who hears us, who cares for us, who will never fail us.
There is a joy to be found in Jesus that cannot be touched by the troubles of this world. God’s love for us is never-failing, his grace is never-ending. Though you may find yourself in a season of hopelessness or despair, take heart that God sees you and knows your pain.
Look to him for help and wait confidently and expectantly. He will make a way for you.