Lent Devotion | Day 5
Do you ever think about the things that you have done wrong in your life and think, “well at least I am not as bad as so and so?" Do you have a ranking of sins in your head like a "little white lie isn’t as bad as physical violence" or “it’s only stealing 10 cents, it's not like it's $10,000?" Even those sins that we gloss over or accept culturally really are an act of rebellion against God.
In each of those instances, you say to yourself and to the world that you know better than God. That his commandments don’t really apply to you. If you have ever been betrayed, then you know how bad that feels, you know how hard it is to trust again, how hard it can be to forgive.
I’m so glad that God is God and not me, because even when we are in open rebellion God offers forgiveness. More than that, God offers it over and over again.
God forgive me and help me when I am tempted.